Why BI Software is a wise pick for your company

With Business Intelligence software, companies have the ability to pull data from various sources throughout the company, from human resources to accounting and marketing reports. By combining information from across departments, owners have all the data they need to make the best decisions for their company. Let’s see how BI technology can help companies budget […]

How Outlook’s update Improves User Experience

When it comes to the communications tools you use in your business, there may be many opportunities to improve the process that you have not yet explored. Microsoft Outlook has made improving your use of communications technology even easier with its latest changes and updates. If you want to make the most of the new […]

Microsoft releases patches for Windows 10

Windows 10 may be widely regarded as a massive improvement on Windows 8, but Microsoft’s latest operating system has its share of imperfections as well. Fortunately, Microsoft has issued important patches to remedy security vulnerabilities, problems with the Windows store crashing, and a myriad of other issues. Read on for more information about the flaws […]

Understanding virtualization containers

The evolution of software containers has changed the way virtual computing is realized. It has diminished the risks of malware and the trouble of portability by allowing software vendors to package their products into virtual containers that can run from any desktop machine, regardless of hardware of operating system. Read on for our review of […]

Is two-step authentication the only way?

With all the recent hacking scares all over the world, you know and understand that your cyber security and your business’s cyber security are extremely important. However, when it comes to authentication processes, you may not be sure what the real deal is. There are two seemingly similar types of authentication that are often confused. […]

Benefits of using dual monitors

Have you ever witnessed your coworkers crazily straddle two computer monitors like madmen? Many find that working multiple monitors in this way is either intimidating or just plain weird, so it’s no surprise that such a setup is unpopular. But even if you look like you’re preparing to launch rockets into outer space, that shouldn’t dissuade you from working with dual monitors altogether.

Massive data breach: Yahoo reveals that half a billion Yahoo accounts were affected in 2014

In late September, news came out about Yahoo finally admitting to a hack that occurred back in 2014. This was no small hack either, 500 million users were exposed during this breach, yet we’re just finding out now.

Stolen information may have included names, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, hashed passwords, and encrypted or unencrypted security questions and answers according to Bob Lord, chief information security officer at Yahoo.