Practical tips to secure your Microsoft Teams platform

As businesses increasingly rely on Microsoft Teams for seamless communication and collaboration, safeguarding this platform is more critical than ever. Ensuring that your team’s interactions and data remain secure is essential for maintaining productivity and trust. That’s why we’ve put together a list of practical tips to help you secure your Microsoft Teams platform. Manage […]

Fortifying your business against holiday cyberattacks

The festive season is upon us, but amidst the jingle bells and peppermint lattes lurks a silent threat: holiday hackers. As shopping sprees intensify and online transactions skyrocket, cybercriminals see fertile ground for their nefarious deeds. Here are expert insights and top tips to protect your business from holiday hackers. Fortify passwords Passwords serve as […]

Hack-proof your holidays: Essential tips for a cybersafe season

The holiday season’s flurry of activity can easily lead to a lapse in attention to work-related matters. Hackers may actively exploit moments when you’re deeply engrossed in holiday preparations, seeking out vulnerabilities in your systems. To prevent from being an easy mark this holiday season, incorporate these essential tips into your cybersecurity routine. Use strong, […]

Cybersecurity jargon made simple

Cybersecurity is a crucial component of managing a successful company and understanding different cybersecurity terms is essential to protecting your company’s sensitive information, data, and assets can be deleted. Here’s a guide to key cybersecurity terms every business owner should know. Malware Malware is short for malicious software and encompasses various harmful programs designed to […]

6 Proven strategies to keep your work devices secure

The rise of remote work and virtual communication has made it more important than ever to secure our devices against cyberthreats. Hackers are constantly finding new ways to exploit our digital vulnerabilities, from webcam spying to unauthorized screen viewing. But don’t worry! There are steps you can take to protect yourself. Install anti-malware software No […]

How to create stronger passwords

Passwords are a necessary evil in today’s world. We need them to protect our online identities, but they can be a pain to remember and type in. That’s why it’s important to ensure your passwords are up to date and compliant with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) guidelines. NIST released updated password […]

A guide to protecting your Microsoft 365 data

Microsoft 365 offers a number of features to help you protect your business’s data. In this article, we provide seven ways to boost data protection in Microsoft 365. Follow these tips so you can rest assured that your data is safe and secure. Secure mobile devices It’s common for employees nowadays to use personal smartphones […]

How to improve your online security: Tips for safe surfing

For many, the internet is an important part of their everyday lives. They use it for shopping, banking, and keeping in touch with loved ones and friends. A lot of people, however, are not aware of the many cyberthreats that can steal sensitive information or corrupt their data. In this article, we will discuss how […]

Work from home security best practices

In many industries, remote working is becoming an increasingly popular option for employees. But with the freedom and flexibility of working from home comes a new set of cybersecurity risks. Read on to learn security best practices for remote workers. Patch your software regularly Although installing software updates can be a major nuisance, these updates […]

Your password may not be secure — update it now

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) once said that a good password consisted of three things: upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. However, the NIST has now reversed its stance on good passwords. Here’s why and what they are now recommending. The problem The issue isn’t that the NIST advised people to […]