Shiny Gadget of the Month – Amazon Dash Button

Welcome to being one step closer to the future of life automation. Behold! The new and exclusive Amazon Dash Button. It is about the size of a pack of gum with a reusable adhesive strip and a hook for easy mounting or hanging, and a brand sticker for your product of choice. The way this little gadget works is it is linked to your Amazon Prime membership account and connects through Wi-Fi. Once the button is pressed it places an order automatically and Amazon sends a confirmation to your phone so you can easily cancel if you change your mind. It also will not let you reorder until the first order has been delivered, so you don’t accidently order too many of an item. Best of all it’s free!

You’re probably thinking this all seems like it’s a bit much, and I will admit I did too until I actually thought about it. The Amazon Dash Button could really be a great little thing to have, just think about all the times you have ever been running low on something. Maybe you are in the middle of cooking, or taking out the trash, realize you are low on something and think, I need to remember to add this to my list or go order it when I’m done. Then a couple of days later you run out of trash bags and are like “oh crap” I forgot to get those, now I have to run out to the store otherwise I can’t throw anything away. If you had that little button there where you keep your trash bags you would have just had to push it, and you don’t have to stop what you are doing.

There is also the added convenience of saving a trip and having to mentally rearrange your day or week to make room for a trip somewhere. If you are anything like me you probably have some sort of a routine when it comes to planning when you are running errands, but when it comes to something not as regular as grocery shopping, for instance pet supplies, that usually means a different store and an added destination or trip. If you are feeding your pet and notice their food is starting to get low and you see that Amazon button staring you down it’s easy to just hit it and the problem is solved. I am sure everyone is guilty of telling yourself you need to buy something or adding it to your list, but then completely forgetting in midst of actually doing whatever task that is, and therein lies the beauty of the button! The button wants to become a simple mindless task so that you will never forget and the instant you notice you need something you can hit the button and bam, two days later it’s there.

Currently there are 248 products on Amazon's Dash Button Products page including all sorts of household products to pet food and coffee. If Amazon can pull this off it would be a great move not only for them, but for any brands that get on board with this program. Right now the button is only available to Prime Members by invite, but after testing it out Amazon will most likely expand its offering as well as products available.

Do you think you would use the Amazon Dash Button or think it will be a success? You can go over to Amazon’s Dash Button page to have a look for yourself by Click here.

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